PostableResource problem


I keep getting those strange "Document not found
The document /User/echo is indexed but not available.
The server is misconfigured." messages when creating my subclasses of 

The directory where Jigsaw sits on my site is

In this directory is then another Jigsaw directory, where the
actual server runs (this was created by the install).

My package sits in


I added the resource under /User (using /Admin/Editor/User) with no problem,
but when I try to access it via /User/echo, I get the abovementioned message).
I have looked in the mailing list archives for some hints, and I saw that some
people had similar problems, but I did not find any explanation.
Can anyone help me with this? 

I include the source for EchoResource below: as you can see, it does nothing 
special above what PostableResource does itself in its handle() method.

package w3c.jigsaw.echo;

import w3c.jigsaw.forms.*;
import w3c.jigsaw.resources.*;

public class EchoResource extends PostableResource {

	//	The parameter field sent from the client
	protected static int ATTR_PARAMETER = -1;

	static {
		Attribute a   = null ;
		Class     cls = null ;
		try {
			 cls = Class.forName("w3c.jigsaw.echo.EchoResource");
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			 ex.printStackTrace() ;
			 System.exit(1) ;
		// Register the message attribute:
		a = new StringAttribute("parameter", "None", Attribute.EDITABLE);
		ATTR_PARAMETER = AttributeRegistery.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;


Jacek Skowronek				e-mail: <>
Department of Computer Science		tel: +31-53-4894624
Information Systems Workgroup		fax: +31-53-4892927
University of Twente			
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 1996 06:07:40 UTC