Re: Filters - Exit

Pasquale Di Feo writes:
 > At 09.58 16/07/96 +0500, you wrote:
 > >I am not sure I undertsand your problem. Yes, ingoing and outgoing are
 > >meant to be used together. However if you consume a stream at one
 > >point without replacing it (by using setStream), then whoever else
 > >wants to access the stream will get into troubles. Do you have any
 > >more details ?
 > OK, sorry. I don't understand becouse, but at this time the filter work fine.
 > Maybe are cache problems.
 > Following the code (base code from your sample)

Look ok to me, I beleive it works..
 > It's right kill the process with ^C ??

*NO* never ! next release of Jigsaw will include a shutdown
script. Basically what it will GET /Admin/Exit, which is the only and
right way to shutdown the server...


Received on Tuesday, 16 July 1996 11:56:59 UTC