Re: Command line and user config file

John L. Clark wrote:

> I have made two small changes to IsaViz that I wanted to share.  First,
> I noticed that IsaViz allows command-line arguments, but they are not
> passed through to the class invocation in the /bin/sh wrapper ( -
> changing the last line to the following solves the problem:
>     $ISAVIZ_HOME/lib/antlr.debug.jar" org.w3c.IsaViz.Editor "$@"
> I have not provided a diff because I have otherwise modified the file;
> my apologies.

Thanks for pointing this. I'll include your modification in the next 

> The other change that I made was to store individual IsaViz
> configuration in a "dot" file in the user's home directory, which
> follows standard Unix (and kin) conventions.  The attached patch should
> do it.

Somebody contributed a similar patch some time ago. It was more complex, 
as it changed the cfg file name depending on the OS (Win32 or UNIX/POSIX 
systems). I was reluctant to add it as it meant that a cfg file could 
not be shared between instances of IsaViz running on different platforms 
(provided that the user's home was the same in all environments).

Generally speaking, I am reluctant to change the behaviour of a Java(*) 
application depending on the OS it runs on, unless it is necessary or 
offers clear advantages. I did not consider it was the case there, but 
that is only my opinion.

(*) which is supposed to be platform independant

It looks like some users really want their config files to begin with a 
dot, at least when working in POSIX environments (I suppose this is 
because they remain hidden when executing an 'ls' command).

I might switch to a "dot" cfg file name in the next release as you 
offer, although I'll probably use '.isavizcfg' instead of '.isaviz.cfg'.

Thanks for these contributions,

Emmanuel Pietriga
tel (mobile): +33 6 88 51 94 98

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2003 12:22:50 UTC