Re: Questions coming in github issues

Hi Richard,

Actually, we need ruby (like furigana in japanese) in mongolian, too.

Becouse, there are a lot of same forms which not same codes in mongolian.


On 2017/02/09 21:54, r12a wrote:
> For your information, today sees some developments related to tracking 
> W3C discussions about typography requirements on the Web.
> For example, I'm currently trying to understand some details about how 
> inline annotation (ruby) works in order to support reviews of CSS Ruby 
> and the ruby functionality in TTML2.  I also need the information to 
> compile an overview for content authors about how ruby works in 
> browsers (early draft at 
> To this end, i'll be raising some issues in the clreq github repo for 
> points i'd like more information about.
> One problem in the past has been how to keep track of such questions.
> To help with that, i'll also link to those issues from 
> That issue list contains 
> pointers to threads of two kinds:
> 1. requests for information about how a script works (which my chinese 
> questions will be)
> 2. threads discussing implementation of typographic features in specs 
> and browsers.
> You can access the issue list directly, and filter by script, type or 
> typographic feature, in order to see what threads are pointed to. 
> (Please don't raise issues in that list though without checking with 
> me, since it's intended to be a tracker, rather than an actionable list.)
> Or, as of today, you can get to the issue list from the 'Typography 
> Index' published by the i18n WG as FPWD today at 
>  (The links from that document have 
> filters pre-attached that correspond to typographic features listed in 
> the document.)  That document aims to provide a place for spec 
> developers and browser implementers to find information about 
> typographic requirements.
> Hopefully this new document and the github issue list will make it 
> easier to keep track of current threads about typographic features. 
> Bobby Tung had asked during TPAC about how to do something along these 
> lines for the Chinese topics coming out of CLReq.  Hopefully this will 
> help with that.
> The i18n WG welcomes suggestions for inclusion in the typography 
> index, such as  useful, reliable information sources and threads to 
> track.
> hope that helps,
> ri

Received on Friday, 10 February 2017 01:52:56 UTC