Fw: [typography] How are underlines positioned in non-Latin text?

Hello Richard:

I had forwarded your following posting from you from Nov 18, 2016, to a 
colleague of mine in IBM Thailand.  I am appending some feedback he has 
provided for your consideration.  You may contact him directly for any 
further clarifications. 
V.S. UMAmaheswaran, Ph.D.
Globalization Centre of Competency, IBM Toronto Lab
A3/SZ8, 8200 Warden Avenue, Markham, ON, Canada, L6G1C7; +1 905 413 3474; 
Fax: +1 905 413 4751; TieLine 313-3474; email: umavs@ca.ibm.com

r12a has just created a new issue for 

== How are underlines positioned in non-Latin text? ==
CSS WG folks and browser implementers are looking for information 
about how to position underlines for various scripts. Can anyone 
provide them with the information they need for one or more scripts? 
See w3c/csswg-drafts#459 (comment)

See https://github.com/w3c/typography/issues/1
Please do NOT reply to this email. If you'd like to contribute to the 
discussion, please do so at the above link. You will need to subscribe
 yourself to the issue (using the button provided by that page) to 
receive notifications of further comments.

----- Forwarded by Uma Umamaheswaran/Toronto/IBM on 2017-01-12 09:38 -----
Feedback from:   Nattapong Sirilappanich (E-mail: natta@th.ibm.com), IBM 
Hi Uma,

I just finish installing MS.Word 2016 into my MacBook. 
On top of below note,
I attach some screen shot from latest MS.Word 2016.

Here's what I talk about, a correct way to make underline Thai text.

Hi Uma,

If I'm not mistaken, they want to introduce "offset" attribute to shift 
the position of the underline.
If that's the case, it'd be no use for Thai.
Because Thai script require underline to be exactly in "under" level of 
rendering which is the typical rendering of underline position.
The thing is, when there is a colliding between underline and the glyph, 
the underline must be absent only where the colliding occur with some 
small surrounding white space.
Unfortunately, there's nobody implementing that for a while.
>From What I can check as of now, even MS.Word 2013 has colliding underline 
with Thai glyph.

e-mail: natta@th.ibm.com

Received on Thursday, 12 January 2017 15:00:28 UTC