Re: Changes to Counter Styles

On 24/06/2014 10:22, fantasai wrote:
> Hi i18nwg!
> The CSSWG recently decided on some changes to Counter Styles
> which may require an update to the Predefined Counter Styles
> spec:
> I'm offline atm so I can't check, but I think the space-as-suffix
> issue will require an update to the @counter-style rules.

Thanks Fantasai.  I read through the latest editor's copy of the CS spec 
and made a couple of changes to my local version of our PCS doc.

I think the thing that triggered the note from you was:

TabAtkins: So provisionally we say the spacing between a list item
              and its content should be done as space characters in
              the suffix.
   fantasai: Can you send a patch to internationalization?
   TabAtkins: Yes.

   RESOLVED: The spacing between a list item and its content should
             be done as space characters in the suffix.
   ACTION TabAtkins: Send a patch to i18n for their counter-styles spec.

I wasn't quite sure of the implication of this. Do I need to go through 
all the sample code at and add spaces to 
the suffix, except for CJK?

By the way, I'll try to send our doc out for wide review at the same 
time as yours, so that we can publish both approximately together.


Received on Friday, 4 July 2014 18:36:48 UTC