Re: [counter-styles] i18n-ISSUE-285: Hebrew number converter inadequate for numbers >= 1000

Mati, if we display
i'm assuming that the character representing 0-9 should be on the right, 
and the digits representing thousands should be on the left (ie. rtl 
display of characters from the text stream).
Is that right?


On 20/08/2013 19:27, Richard Ishida wrote:
> Raised by:
>      Matitiahu Allouche
> Opened on:
>      2013-08-04
> Description:
>      This comment relates to
> section 6.1
> for Hebrew, and also to
> section
> 12 Hebrew which is a duplicate of the former.
>      In the text, the additive symbols max up at 400. For numbers larger
> than 799, the symbol for 400 will appear several times. For numbers like
> the Hebrew year (currently 5773), this gives 14 such symbols, which is
> hardly readable and does not conform to common usage.
>      The better usage is to have the number of thousands followed by
> Geresh (\5F3) followed by the rest of the number.
>      For 5773, this would give \5D4 \5F3 \5EA \5E9 \5E2 \5D2.
>      Note that there is no space between the thousands and the rest of
> the number.
>      For 12345, we would have \5D9 \5D1 \5F3 \5E9 \5DE \5D4.

Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 16:56:00 UTC