Re: For review: The byte-order mark (BOM) in HTML

Thanks, John, for writing this. That's exactly what I meant.

And thanks for saving me the trouble of rewriting! (Assuming you are 
happy for me to filch your revision.)


Richard Ishida
Internationalization Activity Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

On 20/12/2012 04:13, John Cowan wrote:
> Leif Halvard Silli scripsit:
>> It seems impossible to improve the text unless Richard clarifies what
>> use the text has in mind.
> I agree that it's wrongly worded, but I believe the intent is clear.
> Here's my revision:
> "The UTF-8 encoding without a BOM has the property that a document
> which contains only characters from the US-ASCII range is encoded
> byte-for-byte the same way as the same document encoded using the
> US-ASCII encoding.  Such a document can be processed either as UTF-8 or
> as US-ASCII.  Adding a BOM inserts additional non-ASCII bytes, so this
> is no longer true."
> I believe that statement is correct, complete, and useful.

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2012 09:56:13 UTC