Proposal to NOT address I18N-ISSUE-183: Use of types questionable?

Proposal to NOT address I18N-ISSUE-183: Use of types questionable?

Issue: In the example [[
  @prefix : <> .
      :censusYear 2007 ;              # xsd:integer
      :birthsPerPerson .0135 ;        # xsd:decimal
      :gdpDollars 14074.2E9 ;         # xsd:double
]], 2007 and 14074.2E9 should be typed.

Discussion: Untyped integers and doubles are hard to come by. The datatypes for some, like gene sequence location, don't spring as readily to the average reader's mind, but they are typed. While the current example doesn't demonstrate the most rigorous data modelling, it illustrates the parsing of integer, decimal and double barewords.

Proposal: no change, noting that proposals from I18N (or anyone else) are welcome and easily incorporated after LC.

Please indicate whether this addresses the stated issue.

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 16:53:46 UTC