RE: meta content-language

> > In any case, all of the http-equiv attributes are defined by HTTP.
> > That is its definition in HTML.
> It's not the definition in HTML5 as drafted.

I think the point is that it should be. 

RFC 2616 Section 14.12 is pretty clear, as is RFC 3282. Making the HTML5 definition different is not a "service to the community".

I do support having the pragma, but it should have the meaning defined by RFC 2616 and (normatively) it should be consistent with the RFCs *and nothing more*. If Frontpage or Vignette or whatever want to do something useful with the information, bully for them. But don't set the page processing language by fiat or change the allowed format/values.


Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect -- Lab126

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2008 20:07:25 UTC