Re: Updated Working Draft "Best Practices for XML Internationalization"



Example 4

Is not Hebrew's default text directionality r2l

(because I've been told not to even worry about specifying directionality 
when it is the default case; but I may be in error!)

the issue for me would be for images:
when they are 'transcribed' to text by image-to-text software,
if the images contain right to left text,
what will happen?  The characters are backwards in the image, everything (so 
what will the image-to-text transcriber do with Hebrew and Arabic characters 
in texts?)

This is an issue I still want touched on.

* * *


"In inflected languages the form required in the text may be different from 
the form stored in the termbase. "

Mark Davis <> wrote:

> > Best Practice 21: Ensure any inserted text is 
>While nice in theory, in practice this is impractical. People need to
>substitute variable values. This phrasing is approaching it from the wrong
>end. Instead of saying:
> > Make sure any piece of inserted text is grammatically independent of its
surrounding context.
>You need to say:

>That is, in each example you have of bad practice, you need to show how to
>restructure it as good practice. Eg.

><p>Using an <term conref="termbase#t123"/> raise the vehicle from the
>If the terms to be substituted are a closed, small set, then replace the
>message by the multiple substituted phrases.
>Restructure the text using a "form" style, where the substituted term is
>separated grammatically from the rest of the sentence.
><p>Raise the vehicle from the ground, by using: <term

What you need is some way to use a "form" style I think to specify the 
article when you link to the variable;
for me, it makes sense that some variables have to be separated from the 
rest of the text;

I'm not sure exactly how you'd go about this, as I am not an expert on this.

But it should be as easy for an automatic translator to include a word and 
then adjust the case, articles (an, a, the, etc.) to make sense in the 
context (if it already knows how to adjust these when translating from one 
language to another)

(definiteness/indefiniteness, etc., might these somehow be specified what 
these are in the original language in a note where you link to a variable??

I know that definiteness/indefiniteness can likewise vary in a given context 
from language to language

Hope what I wrote makes sense.)

--C. E. Whitehead

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