Re: New article published: xml:lang in XML document schemas

Felix Sasaki wrote:

>  xml:lang is  defined in terms of RFC 3066, which encompasses two 
> language subtags: for  language and for country codes. Suppose you 
> want to put additional  constraints on the value of xml:lang, so that 
> it allows only for a subset  of rfc 3066 values (e. g. only language 
> codes, but not country codes).  

It seems to me that you can't have it both ways. Either xml:lang is a 
attribute which is tied to RFC 3066 (or its sucessors), or its not. What 
if your schema
defined xml:lang to accept only integers? How do you manage the 

And what about xml:id? are we allowed to redefine the datatype of that??

Sebastian Rahtz

Received on Friday, 25 November 2005 09:42:06 UTC