Re: Primary Language in HTML, XHTML and XML

At 04:08 05/03/30, Chris Lilley wrote:
 >On Sunday, March 27, 2005, 3:12:30 AM, Jon wrote:
 >>> "The filename should be considered acceptable to specify
 >>> the primary language."
 >JH> On a server, great, however it's not a W3C matter how servers operate,
 >JH> though they can of course give advice.
 >JH> On the web there are no filenames, so this is irrelevant.
 >And thus, an authoring tool - or more precisely, a translation tool -
 >has no way to know how to save out a set of linguistic versions of a
 >resource. Each individual user has to make up their own system.
 >If there was a standardised system, people and authoring tools could
 >choose to use it, or not.

Yes. But there is also some middle ground. My guess is that
a good content management system or translation support tool
can be configured to use the language information in the appropriate
place, e.g. with something like
      LanugageSpecificFilename = GenericFilename_$lang$
      LanugageSpecificFilename = GenericFilename.$lang$
or whatever the webmaster wants. If systems can't do that
yet, I hope they will allow it in the future.

Regards,     Martin. 

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 00:23:07 UTC