Re: line breaks within arabic text containing letin characters


As Richard said, there may be something else in your code.

Any way, the code
<p dir="rtl">
AR1 en1 en2 AR2 AR3
shoud give
3RA 2RA en1 en2 1RA
without line break, and
en1 1RA
3RA 2RA en2
with a line break between en1 and en2. <br /> tag or a browser-wrap line 

Now, with the default ltr direction
AR1 en1 en2 AR2 AR3
should give
1RA en1 en2 3RA 2RA
without line break, and
1RA en1
en2 3RA 2RA
with a line break between en1 and en2. <br /> tag or browser-wrap line break

I put an attachement for test. Works for Mozilla17 and Safari12.

Hope this helps

Regards, Najib

Jasper Michalczik wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have Arabic HTML containing some Names written in English. The 
> bidi-Algorithm works fine, I put all the English phrases into span 
> tags with the attribute dir=ltr, whereas the whole paragraph is set to 
> rtl.
> Now if it comes to a place, where a line has to be broken within the 
> English text, the following happens:
> the Arabic text starts left, then in the same line the English phrase 
> starts (that’s ok), but after the line break, which the browser 
> inserts because of limited space on that line, the text in line 2 does 
> not continue right to left, but starts with the Arabic at the right, 
> and then follows the rest of the English phrase. So it looks like:
> en en en ar ar ar ar
> en en ar ar ar ar ar
> So I get a block on the left of the two lines wich is in English, an 
> one on the right side that is Arabic. Reading thus starts upper right, 
> folloes to the left, then down to line 2 staying on the left side, 
> then jumping to the right and reading until the middle of the line.
> Strange behaviour of both EI and Firefox.
> Any suggestions?
> Thank You very much!
> Jasper Michalczik, Berlin

Najib TOUNSI (
Bureau W3C au Maroc (
Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingenieurs, BP 765 Agdal-RABAT Maroc (Morocco)
Phone : +212 (0) 37 68 71 74  Fax : +212 (0) 37 77 88 53
Mobile: +212 (0) 61 22 00 30

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2004 15:24:49 UTC