RE: [i18n-html-tech] some comments

I think that some of the examples Bert has brought up show that
we have to make sure that the guidelines don't just assume everybody
is in the same situation.

Some people control their server and want to be flexible with transcoding.
For others, things will work much better if the document says what encoding
it's in. I hope the guidelines can allow both, and make clear in each
case what's needed.

Similar for stylesheets. Some people want stylesheets that cover as
many languages as possible (e.g. for things such as tech manuals,...).
Even if adaptions for each language are necessary, they want to
keep as much as possible in common. Others may want to create
completely different styles for each language, even e.g. for
English and French. If we help people to understand what they
need for their case, that's great. If we assume we know what they
need, and we assume it's always the same, it won't get us very far.

Regards,    Martin.

At 10:15 03/10/10 -0400, Francois Yergeau wrote:

>Bert Bos wrote:
> > But if you can't
> > put the language-dependent aspects of a document in the style
> > sheet, where *can* you put them?
>You should be able to put them with the actual language, in the document
>I don't really disagree with most of your points, but I couldn't resist
>nailing that one.
>Practically speaking, it's true that CSS is not sufficiently
>internationalized to create completely language-independent style sheets.
>And it's not necessarily a failure of CSS, there are aspects -- such as bold
>being inappropriate in some scripts that you mention -- that would make it
>akward at best.
>But for 'left/right' vs 'start/end' (not 'before/after'), I take sides with
>the WD: using the less language-dependent ones makes the style sheet easier
>to localize, even though it cannot be made fully language-independent in
> > the titles are images in the style sheet and thus the
> > translations disappear;
>And that is supposed to be good practice?

Received on Friday, 17 October 2003 14:39:10 UTC