Re: Internationalisation support in Javascript

Hello Shweta,

Can you give an example? Pointing to an example page, or
sending a short code example would help a lot. Also,
please try on different browsers/versions and tell
us what you observed. Also, please note that isNaN()
sounds like a function suitable for application to
(IEEE) floating point numbers, but not to characters.

Regards,   Martin.

At 12:39 02/09/23 +0900, Shweta Shandilya wrote:

>javascript 1.3 supports Unicode characters.
>But still I cannot do string comparisons or functions like isNaN() do not
>work with them.
>Do I need to convert them into some unicode character and then call this
>Are the String getting still converted into Acsii characters .
>If yes then what is the best way to make the conversion

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2002 06:50:35 UTC