Re: Localization without translation? (was: Re: Business Case for i18n?)

Martin Duerst scripsit:

> If I see a MM/DD/YY date format in an English text, I may get
> confused (given my Swiss-German origin).

So do anglophones, given that Anglophonia includes both mm/dd/yy and
dd/mm/yy locales.  It's just a lousy format, full stop (or period).
For this reason, Reuters Health now publishes yyyy-mm-dd dates
everywhere, because we can't predict what our English-speaking
readers will understand by xx/xx/xx, and it seems silly to have
two local versions of our stories simply for that purpose.

John Cowan                         
One art/there is/no less/no more/All things/to do/with sparks/galore
	--Douglas Hofstadter

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2001 07:12:31 UTC