Re: Euro currency sign

On 26 Oct 1997, Peter Flynn wrote:

> The point about using markup is surely that I can use <date
> value="2004-02-03" calendar="whatever">3. Feber 1997</date> in my
> Austrian Web pages and it can still be found by anyone searching for
> events happening that day (or whatever the application is), and given
> a target language and locale, any conversion process can trivially
> localize the dates as part of the automation of translation (whenever
> that arrives).

Seach is definitely a good argument. Localization is rather less of
an argument, because the text of the date will usually already be
localized to the language of the surrounding text. Automatic translation
is really not much of an argument, because it has much more difficult
problems than recognizing a date in a text. If it solves those other
problems, dates will be peanuts.

Regards,	Martin.

Received on Monday, 27 October 1997 03:04:58 UTC