Re: A character is in the eye of the beholder

> From!www-international-request Fri Oct 25 01:58:59 1996
> Return-Path: <>
> Received: from by with smtp
> So I would rather recommend that we do not mix language
> and the locale, but that we introduce a locale facility in HTTP.

And abandon the idea of having multiple languages within a single
document?  That seems a big price to pay.

The locale model assumes that you are not in a multilingual environment.
For example, it provides an upper->lower case mapping, but in i18n HTML
you might need so use several different upper/lower mappings in a single

It's an easy way out because it makes the problem seem manageable.
Let's bring up cardboard cutouts of children to reduce food costs :-)


Liam Quin,         | lq-text freely available Unix text retrieval
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SoftQuad Inc. +1 416 544-9000 | xfonttool (Unix xfontsel in XView)      | The barefoot programmer

Received on Friday, 25 October 1996 11:44:29 UTC