XMLP WG review of decisions on comments on the Character Model [C060, C061]


Replying on behalf of the XML Protocol WG:

Richard Ishida <ishida@w3.org> wrote at Fri, 06 Feb 2004 10:01:17 -0500 (EST):
> C060
> 	Na	Na	C	David Fallside
> 	P	MD	2	XML Protocol LC#2 review question on
> implementation testing
>     * Decision: Not applicable
>     * Rationale: We have classified this comment as 'not applicable',
> because it is a question, not a comment leading to a potential change of the
> Character Model. The test suite should test for CharMod-related requirements
> in the specification(s) being tested. The tests should conform to [C]
> requirements (except where they are wrong on purpose). If the test
> collection includes code, then that should also conform to [I] requirements.

The XML Protocal WG is satisfied that the comment was not applicable
to changing the CharMod spec.

> C061
> 	E	Na	N	David Fallside
> 	P	MD	1.1	'All W3C specifications must conform to this
> document'
>     * New decision: Not applicable
>       Rationale: We have classified this comment as 'not applicable' because
> we have been told that it is inappropriate for a W3C spec to directly
> enforce requirements on other specifications, and have removed the relevant
> language from section 2. We still define conformance to CharMod. We have
> been instructed to request a finding from the TAG corresponding to the text
> that we removed. So CharMod will be enforced by the fact of being a REC,
> coupled with an eventual TAG finding and ongoing reviews of relevant specs
> by the I18N WG.

The XML Protocol WG recognises that this comment is not applicable to
the current CharMod version.

However, if the statement were still in the CharMod draft, the comment
would still be applicable.  The XML Protocol WG consequently also
awaits the result of the TAG finding, particularly any finding on the
statement's applicability or inapplicability to existing and
in-progress specifications.


Tony Graham
Web Products, Technologies and Standards           Phone: +353 1 8199708
Sun Microsystems                                              x(70)19708
East Point Business Park, Dublin 3, Ireland

Received on Thursday, 19 February 2004 17:49:44 UTC