TAG response to C178 Units of visual rendering

Hello www-i18n-comments@w3.org,

> PLEASE REVIEW the decisions for the following additional comments and reply
> to us within the next two weeks at mailto:www-i18n-comments@w3.org (copying
> w3c-i18n-ig@w3.org) to say whether you are satisfied with the decision
> taken.

The TAG resolved to pushback on the grounds of misunderstanding. I18N
WG seem to have missed the point we were making, or we were not clear

We were concerned about implementations *only* providing visual
presentation and visual ordering, while the I18N WG seemed to take the
comments as requiring only logical selection. This is not the case.

It seems that we all agree that implementations should provide logical
selection; and charmod asks for visual selection as well, assuming a
logical backing store.

 Chris Lilley                    mailto:chris@w3.org
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Friday, 6 February 2004 19:16:37 UTC