Early uniform normalization

This is a last call comment from C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (cmsmcq@acm.org) on
the Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0

Semi-structured version of the comment:

Submitted by: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (cmsmcq@acm.org)
Submitted on behalf of (maybe empty): XML Schema WG
Comment type: substantive
Chapter/section the comment applies to: 4 Early Uniform Normalization
The comment will be visible to: public
Comment title: Early uniform normalization
We note that this version of the character model specification does
a much better job of motivating the choice of early uniform normalization
than did the previous version, and we congratulate the i18n WG on this
important improvement to the coherence and plausibility of the 
character model.

That said, we continue to have reservations about the Draconian rules
enunciated in connection with early uniform normalization.  We note
that a number of working groups have expressed strong objections, and
we urge the i18n WG to continue working toward consensus, and not to
attempt to move forward until there is something much more like 
consensus within the community than we believe there is at present.

Structured version of  the comment:

  visibility="public" status="pending"
  decision="pending" impact="substantive">
  <originator email="cmsmcq@acm.org" represents="XML Schema WG"
      >C. M. Sperberg-McQueen</originator>
  <charmod-section href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-charmod-20020430/#sec-Normalization'
  <title>Early uniform normalization</title>
      <dated-link date="2002-07-12"
        >Early uniform normalization</dated-link>
      <para>We note that this version of the character model specification does
a much better job of motivating the choice of early uniform normalization
than did the previous version, and we congratulate the i18n WG on this
important improvement to the coherence and plausibility of the 
character model.

That said, we continue to have reservations about the Draconian rules
enunciated in connection with early uniform normalization.  We note
that a number of working groups have expressed strong objections, and
we urge the i18n WG to continue working toward consensus, and not to
attempt to move forward until there is something much more like 
consensus within the community than we believe there is at present.</para>

Received on Friday, 12 July 2002 19:06:46 UTC