HTML Header section

Good Morning,
    A co-worker and I are having a discussion about the proper way to do
some form processing.  I am looking to get some feedback from this group.

    I have been using a basic method for building ColdFusion application
pages for a while now, and seems to work really well for me.  I
construct a basic header.cfm file.  The header contains all the basic
HTML for starting a page like the doc type tag, the HTML tag, the header
tag, I open the the body tag, and finally I put in application specific
info, like name and navigation menu.  Inside the HEADER tag I put the
standard CSS and shared javascript information.  I also have a standard
footer.cfm that contains the basic contact/support links, the last
updated date, version information, and I close the header and html
tags.  I am then free to only worry about the display of the specif page
information, database CRUD (create, read, update, and delete), and form
processing.  I don't worry about the shared visual and backend
components.  After showing this methodology to my co-worker she was
concerned that form processing and database CRUD should always been in
the HEADER section.
    So the difference I see is that I do my form processing and CRUD in
the body section, where she would do them in the header section.  We
both do much of that work via CFC methods.  The problem is that with my
co-worker's method, more code is duplicated from page to page, which I
want to avoid.

    What are your thoughts?  Is there a problem with my methodology that
I am failing to understand?


Received on Friday, 20 July 2007 13:20:54 UTC