Re: Re: [XHTML 2.0] emphesis

Classes and IDs with good semantic meaning are generally considered good
coding. Something as generic as "header1" is definitely bad, especially when
it becomes header 2 while continuing to display "header1" in the code
itself. Something descriptive about it should be there. How about something
like "header_title" for a Web page title, or perhaps the "header" is more of
a page banner, so "site_banner" might work.

CSS doesn't have to be semantic at all, but it is better to be semantic in
case you decide to allow your site to have multiple themes or something,
which use the same style sheets but different colors. The markup is the
backbone though, so that should be as semantic as possible without requiring
a lot of typing (e.g. the ev:listener element in the current XHTML
2.0draft[0] could be named "xmlevents:listener").

Received on Friday, 23 June 2006 21:55:56 UTC