[Structural Module] Structural Error by Double-Heading in <section>

Dear list,

I do not understand why <section> is allowed to have more than one <h> as shown in the example in the latest draft (*1):

> Example
>   <h>Events</h>
>   <section>
>     <h>Introduction</h>
>     <p>....</p>
>     <h>Specifying events</h>
>     <p>...</p>
>     <section>
>         <h>Attaching events to the handler</h>
>         <p>...</p>
>     </section>
>     <section>
>         <h>Attaching events to the listener</h>
>         <p>...</p>
>     </section>
>     <section>
>         <h>Specifying the binding elsewhere</h>
>         <p>...</p>
>     </section>
>   </section>   </body>

I think, in more structuredly correct manner, it should be like the following:

     <h>Specifying events</h>
       <h>Attaching events to the handler</h>
       <h>Attaching events to the listener</h>
       <h>Specifying the binding elsewhere</h>

The three second-level headings, like <h>Attaching events to the handler</h>, are only belonging to one of the first-level headings, <h>Specifying events</h>, but not <h>Introduction</h>. The document with the given structure seems to have an introduction that is subsectioned by information about events that should have only followed the other parent heading, 'Specifying events'.That is why I suggest a <section> have only one <h> to strictly avoid these kinds of structuring errors.

Best regards,

*1 8.8. The section element http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/mod-structural.html#sec_8.8.

Ai (ja-JP;q=9, en-US;q=6)
The Eller College of Management, The University of Arizona

Received on Monday, 7 November 2005 11:04:15 UTC