Re: separator abuse

Orion Adrian:
> On 6/7/05, Christoph Päper <> wrote:
>> I was thinking about an audio book, which (sometimes) do have
>> background/ambient sounds.
> There are other organization methods that will be used and can be used.

Different solutions for the same problem, dpending on media? I don't 
think so.

> There are quite a few things that don't follow standard technical
> writing organization. Authors often feel that they have the right to
> use structure as art.

Something you don't have to encourage (or even take into account) in the 
design of a general purpose mark-up language.

> I'd rather not have to specify all my separators as
> <span class="separator">&separator;</span>
> just because you don't like empty elements.

I'm for enclosing the blocks that are to be separated, not for any 
simulation of 'hr' at all, but if /you/ wanted to make one, you 
certainly shouldn't be using 'span'.

> I do not agree with the assesment that separator is structural.

Okay, then it doesn't need to be included into a structural mark-up 

	Christoph Päper

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2005 23:57:00 UTC