Re: Relaxed - new HTML validation service based on RELAX NG + Schematron

Jirka Kosek wrote:
> Hi,
> at the URL:
> there is available a new validating service which is able to catch 
> much more errors than W3C validator. Author of this service is my 
> student Petr Nalevka.

Your validator seems to have a few problems... Validating my URL gives the following several times:

> ERROR line 26 column 51 unexpected attribute "clear"

There attribute "clear" is not used at all within my document.

It also gives:

> ERROR  line 26 schematron: WCAG 1.0 Checkpoint 12.4 (Priority 2) Do 
> associate labels explicitly with their controls. (@type = 'text' and
>  (not(parent::html:label) or not(parent::html:label[@for]) or 
> not(@id)))


> ERROR line 26 schematron: WCAG 1.0 Checkpoint 12.4 (Priority 2) 
> Label's for attribute needs to equal to input's id attribute. " 
> l_email " != " " (@type = 'text' and (string(parent::html:label/@for)
>  != string(@id)))

All form controls on the page, with the exception of HIDDEN and SUBMIT 
controls, have labels explicitly associated with them.


Received on Saturday, 23 July 2005 23:26:32 UTC