Fw: name attribute deprecated in XHTML

Sorry but I respond only to Shane, and not to the list.
So I'm forwarding this email.
I have a doubt, is this a thread relevant to www-html-editor list?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: +ACI-Paolo Candelari+ACI- +ADw-paolo.candelari+AEA-fastwebnet.it+AD4-
To: +ACI-Shane McCarron+ACI- +ADw-shane+AEA-aptest.com+AD4-
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: name attribute deprecated in XHTML

+AD4- ----- Original Message ----- 
+AD4- From: +ACI-Shane McCarron+ACI- +ADw-shane+AEA-aptest.com+AD4-
+AD4- +AD4- Well....  It says it is +ACI-deprecated+ACI- and will be removed.  In fact, it
+AD4- +AD4- was then removed in XHTML 1.1.  You should only use the name attribute
+AD4- +AD4- on these elements in your XHTML 1.0 documents if you are serving those
+AD4- +AD4- documents up as text/html and are trying to ensure that your documents
+AD4- +AD4- are backward compatible to HTML 4 browsers. .....
+AD4- Probably I expressed my idea bad.
+AD4- What I'd like to say is if name attribute is deprecated in XHTLM 1.0 why
+AD4- talking about this in section 4.10 that is informative and not normative?
+AD4- Generally deprecated elements or attributes are inserted in transitional
+AD4- (or this is the case for HTML 4.01), but in XHTLM 1.0 name attributes is
+AD4- defined both in strict and transitional dtd.
+AD4- I think it's more exact to insert that statement in a normative section,
+AD4- because, how I cited, XHTML refers itself to HTLM for semantic and talk
+AD4- aboute a deprecated use of name only for form and image elements.
+AD4- That's all.
+AD4- Bye.
+AD4- Paolo.

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Received on Monday, 18 July 2005 08:46:51 UTC