proposal for change of Flow.model


(If this has come up before I'm sorry, Google didn't turn up anything
for me)

Now XHTML 2.0 uses Relax NG, it might be a good idea to use RNGs power
to change Flow.model to what it really means: a choice between either
text and inline elements, or block elements:

   <define name="Flow.model">
       <ref name="Structural.model"/>
       <ref name="Text.model"/>

The models for blockcode, blockquote and p would have to change similarly.

This means that the following would no longer be valid:

     Some text...
     <p>Some more text in a paragraph.</p>

One reason this came up was because of experience with Xopus, a WYSIWYG
XML editor which makes a clear distinction between inline and
block-level elements. Not having to deal with inline and block elements
at the same level gives a much better editing experience.

Applying CSS or XSL to this model is also much more straightforward.

For similar reasons the text model could be changed so:

   <define name="Text.model">
           <ref name="Text.class"/>
           <ref name="Misc.class"/>
         <ref name="l"/>

Which says that text is either grouped per line, or not at all. (<l>
would be removed from Text.class) I think it makes sense, but I'm not
sure. I haven't had a proper need for lines in my site yet. Whenever
lines seemed appropriate, lists were a better fit after some thought.

Sjoerd Visscher

Received on Sunday, 25 July 2004 23:24:57 UTC