Re: Correct usage of the q element

Le 14 févr. 2004, à 23:25, L. David Baron a écrit :
> However, we should optimize for the case where a page is viewed many
> more times than it is written.  Faced with a choice of something that
> would slow down an authoring tool or something that would slow down a
> browser, I'd say it's better to slow down the authoring tool.


> Having the quotes in the document does not prevent an authoring tool
> from adjusting them, especially if appropriate markup is present (e.g.,
> XHTML2 quote [1]).
> -David
> [1]  
> text.html#sec_9.8.

	but a requirement is necessary for authoring tool in the spec for this  
feature (and it would be really great. ;))
	Without the requirement it will not be implemented.

For each feature, in the specs, the development of Test Cases and  
scenario usage will help to define what's needed, like we just did in  
this thread. I tend now to agree with you ;)

A ton of other issues: (:p)
	- how to associate the different elements of a citation?
	- how to define profile values for citation?
		- how to define profiles?
		- how to avoid same name for values in different vocabularies   
	- how to use properly cite element?
	- how to use properly cite attribute?

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Sunday, 15 February 2004 10:46:18 UTC