Re: Correct usage of the q element

Le 13 févr. 2004, à 13:20, Christoph Päper a écrit :
>   <q lang="fr">&sq;L'État, c'est moi.&eq;</q>
> the entity references are computed to « + thin space and thin space + 
> ».

no. The type of quotes has nothing to do with the contained language 
but with the container.

* french citation, english context.

Rilke has said “car  nous ne sommes que l'écorce, que la feuille”.

* english citation, english context

Rilke has said “Works of art are indeed always products of having been 
in danger, of having gone to the very end in an experience, to where 
man can go no further.”

* french citation, french context.

Rilke a dit « car  nous ne sommes que l'écorce, que la feuille »

* english citation, french context.

Rilke a dit « Works of art are indeed always products of having been in 
danger, of having gone to the very end in an experience, to where man 
can go no further. »

Received on Saturday, 14 February 2004 18:05:47 UTC