Re: Soap re: Possible Tidy improvements

Dear Sirs,

Johannes Koch wrote:
> Yes, the form element is not allowed as a child of tr.

If a "tr" element isn't able to hold anything in itself, even a form
(, then what is
it for at all? Maybe deprecate it and mark table cells the way MS Excel
do it? Let me illustrate yet the vague idea with the following sample:

<table …>
<r3c6 …>bla, bla, bla</r3c6>
<r2c3 align="center">Wow!</r2c4>

Which could be rendered somewhere like following on a tty device:

|     |     |     |     |     |             |
|     |     |   Wow!    |     |             |
|     |     |     |     |     |bla, bla, bla|

Where r#c# stands for "row number, column number".

Cyril, Esq.

Received on Saturday, 14 February 2004 12:33:42 UTC