Re: <NOBR> - Returning to the question....

> > But again, you can use markup for such situations very well -- that's
> > what <code> is for. (Or at least, it should be...)
>So you mean you would accept <nobr> in the <code> disguise? Then I think
>you haven't understood the problem.

I think I understand the problem and I think he's right. I think though 
there is a semantic difference between code (e.g. C, C++, HTML, Java) and a 
code (e.g. %20, $abc).  One should allow normal breaking rules and one 
shouldn't. This is an English problem mostly in that one person sees code 
meaning one thing and another sees code meaning something else. This is one 
area the W3C could do much better in (i.e. defining the exact meaning of 
each semantic markup).

Here's the greater problem... there are so many semantic cases in the real 
world that anyone trying to accomplish a general-purpose semantic markup is 
going to have to choose along a continuum of choices.  On one end you have 
giving up entirely and just encoding presentation and on the other end you 
have semantic markup for everything. I've found that the HTML Working Group 
so far has decided to go somewhere in the middle. Markup like sub, sup, hr, 
nobr are presentation classes because going along and making up semantic 
cases for all the nitty gritty little cases is too big a task for this 
working group. So my point is that if you desire total purity look to these 
other cases as well. Concentrating all our effort on nobr without looking at 
the whole problem is just wasting everybody's time in my opinion. There is a 
much bigger problem at hand here, let's not concentrate on the minutia.

Orion Adrian

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Received on Friday, 2 April 2004 17:20:05 UTC