XHTML with Internet Explorer

On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 01:45:44 +1100, Lachlan Hunt 
<lhunt07@postoffice.csu.edu.au> wrote:

>   Also, is it a bug with IE, or just that it hasn't been updated to 
> understand application/xhtml+xml, since when I tried to load the 
> document, it showed a dialog asking me whether to open or save the file, 
> rather then rendering it.  Then, selecting open, caused it to open with 
> Netscape (set as my default browser)

Yeah, IE for Windows doesn't know what to do with the proper XHTML MIME 
content type.  It also doesn't know what to do with the XHTML namespace, 
giving you an unstyled source-view when fed plain documents.  It is, in 
short, unsuited for XHTML.

J. King

Received on Saturday, 1 November 2003 14:35:47 UTC