Re: IFRAME placed in wrong DTD

I have the W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999 for HTML 4.01.

The IFRAME element is indeed defined in the transitional DTD. I must

have misted it.

Iframes are very useful when someone is writing a web application that is

using multiple data sources for the contents of one screen and when the site

is very dynamic (i.e. you click on an account number -> you get the info

right away, instead of waiting for the entire page to refresh - the page may

contain information about the user, the list of accounts, etc.).

About XHTML ... I have seen the specification for 1.0. Very disappointing.

I think that XML and XML based standards are too many and too many people

uses XML just because it is so praised.

Back to DTD, I wanted to use the document type declaration to ensure that

browsers display the content of the site correctly. I saw a release note for

Netscape 7.01 that said that the browser displays differently the pages with

DTD specified than the ones without it.

Best regards.

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Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2003 05:46:02 UTC