Re: My thoughts on XHTML 2

I consider removing 'script', 'noscript' and 'style' a non-starter.

We don't set out to make XHTML 2.0 hard to use from a Purity Of Essence 
line of argument (an earlier thread claiming the opposite notwithstanding).

In XHTML 2.0 alternate content to scripts is done with nesting, 'object' 
style. This would have made 'noscript' somewhat redundant if inline scripts 
hadn't been allowed and backwards compatibility had been no issue. But 
inline scripts are very practical, and, at least in my opinion, a sensible 
migration strategy from XHTML 1.0/1.1 is paramount. Forcing people to rip 
out inline scripts and style sheets is not such a strategy.

Jonny Axelsson,
Web Standards,
Opera software

Received on Thursday, 23 January 2003 12:35:19 UTC