Re: XHTML 2.0 considered harmful

Chris Mannall wrote:
> Mikko Rantalainen wrote:
>>If you feel that you have to use br or style attribute try to think for 
>>a second what's the reason you "need" those. Think about *why* you're 
>>trying to achieve the line break or specific styling, not *what* you're 
>>trying to achieve.
> Okay, here's another problem with removing the style attribute that has 
> been bothering me for a while, but I've only now rustled up enough 
> motivation to voice it.
> [1] Load an XHTML document into an HTML DOM representation.
> [2] Grab hold of an element with e.g. document.getElementById("foo")
> [3] Alter that element's style with e.g. = "20px"
> [4] Serialize the document IN ITS CURRENT STATE.
> [5] Noticing the problem yet?

I'm still wondering why would you need to do [4], but I think the 
correct way to do equivalent stuff is to modify document wide stylesheet 
instead of directly modifying IMO, if we drop style 
attribute the respective part of DOM should drop the style attribute too 
so there's no problem.

In no way we can keep the style attribute at the DOM side but in the 
same time drop style attribute from XHTML2.

This is an important point, though.


Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 11:56:41 UTC