Re: Duplicated web page contents


<object data="common.html" type="text/html>
    ...Alternate text here...

should do the trick, though some UAs seem to need a height and width on it
before they work properly.

Steven Pemberton

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Greenwood" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 1:53 AM
Subject: Duplicated web page contents


If an html table containing the same text was required on every page of a
website is there any way of creating an external file (containing the table
and contents) that every page where the table is required can link to. This
way the table and contents only have to be created once instead of possibly
hundreds of times.

For example, I am creating a website that contains about 500 pages. On every
page I have my email address within a table. When I change my email I have
to update every page manually. I am envisaging a way of creating an external
style sheet (or similar) containing the email address within a table. I then
only need to change the external page and the other web pages will be
automatically updated. Does such a thing exist?

Thank you very much for your time, Kind Regards John

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2003 11:32:13 UTC