Re: CSS alignment

Niklas Wahlberg wrote:

> I am trying to make the left side of a web page go the full height of 
> the browser when text in the body area exceeds the browser widow height. 
> I am getting some weird things happening right now with that. When the 
> text exceeds the height of the browser window, the left menu stops and 
> does not follow the text down when scrolling the window.

I'm afraid I don't follow what effect it is that you're trying to 
achieve. Can you explain it further -- or, better, provide a URL?

> Any ideas on this. Should I be posting this here?

No: this list is for technical discussion of HTML. The CSS-Discuss list 
<URL:> would be the place.



Nick Boalch                          <URL:>

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2003 18:02:01 UTC