Re: <hr /> and WD-xhtml2-20021218

> <p>Block of text</p>
> <object type="special/hr">------------------</object>
> <p>More text after a horizontal rule</p>

That just feels messy to me:

<object type="special/hr">------------------</object>
<hr />

On the other hand, what about the default rendering of <section />?

Looks to me like it would then equal: <section></section>, which I would in
turn expect to make a larger gap between the sections before and after, slap
in a style giving it a border for example, and you've replaced the
functionality of an <hr />. Personally though, I still like the <hr />
element, because it makes more sense when looking at the code than an
<object> would. (And more than a <section /> tag too.)


Received on Wednesday, 1 January 2003 18:15:11 UTC