XHTML Article was re: H1

The second part of my article that was the reason I originally started this
thread is finished if anyone is interested:

XHTML Web Design for Beginners Part Two

I finally decided on wording the offending paragraph as:

"In general, most XHTML documents should have only a single <h1> element. If
you decide to use more than one then you should be sure that they are two
separate topics and you have a good reason for having them on the same page.
If two topics are on the same page then usually they are connected, and you
should have a single <h1> describing both topics and then <h2>s for each
sub-topic. It is very rare, if at all, that a page should have two <h1>

Nigel Peck

Received on Friday, 21 February 2003 10:45:59 UTC