Re: Karl's Comments on 31 Jan 2003 WD of XHTML 2.0

Hmmm, I think, I'm really tired.

>The values could be defined with a minimal required set inside the
>specification + a Note to define extensibility or new vocabulary, so
>if a community with particular interests could propose extension to
>the vocabulary in a defined way (ala IETF for mime-types).

Therefore if a community with particular interests wants to extend 
the vocabulary, this community could propose extension in a normative 
way (ala IETF for mime-types).

>accessible for community and if this community of practice could
>still defines the vocabulary as an ontology behind for the processing
>machine BUT at least for human, the vocabulary will be accessible. So
>it will be a double benefit : ease of use and richness of ontologies
>behind the scene.

and this community of practices could defines the vocabulary as an 
ontology, therefore machine could process it AND it will still be 
accessible for human. It will have the double benefit: ease of use 
and richness of ontologies.

Damn... it was not clear.

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Tuesday, 29 April 2003 11:14:31 UTC