Re: lines and XHTML2

Herr Christian Wolfgang Hujer wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> Am Mittwoch, 16. April 2003 20:05 schrieb Ernest Cline:
> > The main debate over <l> is that we have those who feel that <l>...</l>
> > is likely to cause too much markup as to be practical, and those that
> > feel that there needs to be some conatining element that represents
> > that here is data where the line content is important.
> >
> > Might I suggest as a compromise, an element similar to <pre> called
> > <lines>?  <lines> would indicate that the linefeed characters are
> > significant as they break the content into lines. As far as visual
> > presentation is concerned <lines> would be the same as <div
> > class="lines"> with the following CSS3:
> >   .lines {white-space: pre-line}
> >
> > This would serve all needs except for those cases where markup is used
> > on individual lines for other purposes such as to facilitate the
> > styling or scripting of individual lines. Such cases would in my
> > opinion be rare and could be indicated via other markup such as:
> > <lines><span>Line 1</span>
> > <span>Line 2
> >       Line 3</span>
> >       Line        4
> > <span>Line 5</span></lines>
> >
> > For which a default vusual rendering would be:
> > Line 1
> > Line 2
> > Line 3
> > Line 4
> > Line 5
> I'm against it.
> In the way you described I can't do ...
> <p class="code">
>     <l>public class Hello {</l>
>     <l>    public static void main(String[] args) {</l>
>     <l>        System.out.println("hello, world");</l>
>     <l>    }</l>
>     <l>}</l>
> </p>
> ... and combine that with aotumatic numbering using CSS:

Actually it would be quite doable:

<div class="code">
    <span>public class Hello {</span>
    <span>    public static void main(String[] args) {</span>
    <span>        System.out.println("hello, world");</span>
    <span>    }</span>

with the following CSS3:

.code span {white-space:pre}

This would generate the following visual rendering:

public class Hello {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("hello, world");

and you could add automatic numbering via CSS. In this case <l> would 
be slightly less cumbersome to use, but I strongly doubt that more than 
a small fraction of potential uses would benefit from using <l> while 
in the general case, <lines> would be handier to use.

Received on Saturday, 19 April 2003 16:53:40 UTC