tags TC and VR needed

Graham posts:-

"I would like for tables to have a tag TC so that I can code my cell data by 
columns." and "A lot of columns require me of course to scroll horizontally, 
and the PageRight and PageLeft keys could be useful, but let's not worry 
about that ..."

I can't see the point of a <tc> tag.  <tr> seems perfectly reasonable to me, 
and the "col" attribute can be used for formatting.

The horizontal scroll problem is an interesting one.  If you are using IE 
then you can use a scroll wheel mouse to move from side to side just as 
easily as you can go up and down.  Perhaps it might be possible to give a 
"focus" to each table cell, so that tab and shift+tab can be used to navigate 

Simon Jessey
e: <A HREF="mailto:scjessey@aol.com">scjessey@aol.com</A>
w: <A HREF="http://jessey.net/">http://jessey.net</A>

Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2002 17:03:33 UTC