Editor's Note

Frames can be a good thing. But most frames are superflous.

So I prefer a solution where a single semantically marked up HTML file displays on all browsers and stylesheets for different devices and, thanks to the inability of programmers at Netscape (excluding the Mozilla project), Microsoft and Opera to proper develop their software corresponding to W3C recommendations, different browsers.

Since some browsers are bad at CSS support, and I mean browsers that make you believe they would support CSS but really don't, I am not talking of those browsers not supporting CSS at all, I sometimes am forced to use tables for layout.

I am not a fan of ECMAScripts selecting the browser.

The CSS frames I use are an *additional goody* to the normal style sheet. The pages I develop look fine without this frame goody, and they even look fine in lynx and w3m, really, though my pages often make use of "the latest features", I sometimes even prefer browsing them with lynx.

Christian Hujer