RE: Extended URL for [I]Frames (revived)

--- Ian Brockbank <> wrote:
> Dave J Woolley <> wrote:
> > [DJW:] Layers have never existed; they are a Netscape
> > proprietory feature; I don't think they are even supported
> > by Netscape 6.  The intention, ever since the 
> > publication of the HTML 4.0 specification has been that
> > you should use elements positioned using style sheets. 
> I have tried in the past to use stylesheets to achieve the same effect
> as frames, but have not succeeded - I can't get the menu at the side
> to stay still while the main body scrolls, and I can't get the frames
> to take up the whole screen if there isn't enough content.
> Are there any tutorials anywhere explaining how to go about this?

If you are using CSS and your "page content" DIV is absolutely positioned and
sized with CSS, you can add "overflow: scroll;" to your stylesheet.  It invokes
scrollbars equal in width and height to the "page content" DIV.  This will work
in any browser that supports it, or will revert to where the whole page scrolls
if not.

div.sidebar {top: 10px; left: 10px; width: 130px; height: 100%;}
div.content {top: 10px; left: 150px; width: 460px; height: 100%; overflow:

and then create the following DIVs: <div class="sidebar"></div> and <div
If the external (viewable) HTML in the content DIV excedes the width or height
you specified in the stylesheet the scrollbars will change to support this
(almost exactly like a frame).

Hope this helps,
David Bindel (

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Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2001 08:19:46 UTC