Window focus

Hello, Could anybody help with the follow problem ?

I have a html page with a href to open up another window. This window is
like a glossary or something, and uses the javascript open function. I call
the focus command each time a user clicks on the href again, so if the
window is already open, it just pops back up. This works fine.

I have to now introduce a href link to be able to toggle between the
windows. So a link on the popup window to focus the main window, and a link
on the main window to focus the popup window. This I have got working, if
the popup has existed in the past, but causes an error if it hasn't?

I am only setting the focus to the popup window if the popup window is not
null. This should have worked but doesn't?

Any ideas would be appreciated.

many thanks

Nathan Pearce
Courseware Developer

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Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 07:55:28 UTC