Re: [OT] ok what goes on ear?

Eric <> wrote:

> Error: element "IMG" not allowed here; check which elements this
> element may be contained within (explanation...)

Without a full example/URL it's difficult to say, but it's possible
you're using an <img> directly inside <body>. <img> and other
inline content (like text) should instead go inside a block
container such as <p>; with text you get the slightly more helpful
error message "text is not allowed here; try wrapping the text in a
more descriptive container".

You can get away with it in 'Transitional' HTML (and pre-HTML4
versions) but not in Strict. Fix the problem or go to Transitional.
It's not an issue with the HTML spec itself so is somewhat off-
topic here; if this isn't the right solution and you think there's
a bug in the validator, the best place to discuss it is probably

> were does "FOO" come into it? 
> more important TABLES the  wrong code is not used in tables.

Both were just examples in the error message, not related to
anything in your page. 'foo' is a very common placeholder for
giving examples.

(BTW, please post plain-text rather than than HTML!)

ObValidator: As an aside, that explanation page is rather
disappointingly formatted, with its abuse of grave accents for
open-single-quotation-mark and it's mi'suse of apo'strophe's.
And it still uses capital letters for element and attribute
names. Tsk, eh?

Andrew Clover
Technical Consultant AG

Received on Friday, 22 June 2001 09:51:36 UTC