Re: XHTML : "attribute minimization", terseness of.

On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Sean Champ wrote:

>   in re. section 4.5 at
> can we use boolean values like <dl compact="1">
> instead of redundant ones like <dl compact="compact">

  1.  It's not really redundant.  The *name* didn't have to be 
      'compact'.  That is, in the "old style" <dl compact>, the
      'compact' is the attribute *value*.

  2.  There is no such thing as "boolean" in SGML/XML.  This
      bogotic terminology came to life in the HTML 4.x specs
      and has caused nothing but confusion ever since.  See

      and the entire thread (I tried copying the URI for that,
      but it turned out to be hideously long.)


Received on Thursday, 2 March 2000 11:31:24 UTC