What is an XHTML document?

Section 3.2 of the XHTML spec has requirements for handling of "XHTML
documents." [1]  Section 5.1 says that XHTML Documents may be sent as

There have been a number of bugs filed against Mozilla arguing that our
XHTML support is broken because XHTML documents are parsed loosely when
sent as "text/html".  The spec seems to support the arguments these bug
reports make.

If these conformance requirements apply to XHTML documents served as
"text/html", then user agents that also support SGML-based HTML must
(possibly in violation of section 7.2.1 of RFC 2616 [2]) detect whether
the content sent as text/html is XHTML or not.  The specification
should say how they are to detect XHTML.  It is unclear how to detect
XHTML since an XML declaration is not required, and future versions of
XHTML could have any FPI or system identifier in the DOCTYPE

If these conformance requirements do not apply to XHTML documents
served as "text/html", then the XHTML spec should say that.

(Mozilla has other serious XHTML bugs, and neither Netscape nor Mozilla
has promised to support XHTML.  However, if this basic conformance
question is clarified, I or others might try to improve its support.
At this point, I don't consider it worthwhile because I don't know what
supporting XHTML means.)


(Speaking only for myself, and not for any other organization.)

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#uaconf
[2] http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/rfc2616.txt

L. David Baron        <URL: http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~dbaron/ >
Rising Junior, Harvard                           Summer Intern, Netscape
dbaron@fas.harvard.edu                               dbaron@netscape.com

Received on Monday, 24 July 2000 16:07:26 UTC